Taking it further
and language
Listens and pays attention
Understands what is being said
Communicates with others
Develops vocabulary and speech
Is able to speak to an audience
Chooses language to communicate in, according to audience
Physical development
Travels with confidence
Shows control of a ball
Develops fine motor skills
Learns about healthy living
Manages self care independently
Develops speed and strength
Handles tools effectively
Understands safety when tackling new challenges
Practices safety measures when not directly supervised
Makes healthy choices
Personal, Social and
emotional development
Is confident and self assured
Manages feelings and behaviour
Makes friends
Shares and takes turns
Displays empathy towards others
Recognises others have different preferences to their own
Work as part of a group
Enjoys reading books
Likes making marks
Learns to write
Uses phonic knowledge to decode words
Recognises irregular high frequency words
Write simple sentences
Spell correctly or phonetically plausible
Learn about numbers and counting
Recognises the passing of time
Explores measures, capacity, space, shapes
Create and recreate patterns
Count on and back within 20 – 100
Add and subtract single digits within 20
Name and discriminate 2D and 3D shapes
Talk about size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money
the world
Find out about nature and the world around
Talk about people and their local community and learn about
similarities and differences
Learns to confidently use ICT equipment
Make observations of animals and plants
Develop awareness of environments and man imprint
Learn about cultures and traditions different to our own
Use keyboard and mouse competently
Acknowledge the use of technology for different purposes
Expressive arts
and design
Enjoys being creative
Sings, dances and makes music
Plays imaginatively
Uses colour to express themselves
Experiment with growing variety of tools and techniques
Plan new designs building on previous experiences
Represent ideas
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