Curriculum Map

 Reception Bears
Autumn term
Ourselves /Creation
Journeys and Celebrations
Develop confidence and self-esteem; Learn to ask for help / children’s rights; Making friends, take turns and learn to negotiate;
Learn about differences / empathy and respect; Take responsibility for tidying up and helping others
Communication and Language
Listening and talking about stories, poems, songs and rhymes.
Develop the ability to use language to describe past and present experiences / sequence events.
Sharing relevant news about events from child’s own experience.
Physical Development

Learn to use body, hands and feet with more skill.
Be aware of changes in body
Continue to develop independence in getting dressed;
Spatial awareness, travelling and ball games
Dance and gymnastics
Conventions of print;
Using a keyboard to type name and simple words;
Correct letter formation,
Reading and writing phonetic CVC words
Mick Inkpen - author
Conventions of print – basic grammar
Record observations
Label diagrams
Read and write freq. words
‘Percy the park keeper’
Nick Butterworth - author
Counting and ordering to 10 and beyond to 20
Patterns and 2D shapes;
Sequencing lengths and sizes
Vocabulary of time and of position
Sorting and matching;
Counting on and back to 20
Understanding of the World
Ourselves – growing and changing
‘What a wonderful world’ – Creation
‘Percy the park keeper’ –harvest; Autumn;
Journeys and celebrations – Halloween; Birthdays; Christmas
Expressive arts and design
Drawing, painting; collage; modelling
Teddy bear’s picnic; Learning songs and rhymes
Printing and painting; Drawing and typing in ICT; modelling; collage
Nativity play

 Reception Bears
Spring term
Spring / Easter
Develop confidence and self-esteem; Learn to know when help is or is not needed;
Learn about differences / empathy and respect; Adjust behaviour to different situations
Communication and Language
Develop the ability to use language to describe past and present experiences / sequence events.
Sharing relevant news about events from child’s own experience; Give their attention to what others say and respond appropriately, while engaged in another activity.
Asking questions and running interviews to obtain information; Performing simple tales. 
Physical Development

Learn to use body, hands and feet with more skill;
Discuss why we eat /what and why – to keep healthy
Importance of hygiene.
Dancing and gymnastics
Ball skills
Conventions of print;
Using ICT to write simple words and captions;
Correct letter formation,
Reading and writing phonetic words and some high frequency words
Hans Christian Andersen - author
Conventions of print – basic grammar
Record observations
Reading and writing phonetic words and some high frequency words
Label diagrams
Rhyming words;
Dr. Seuss- author
Counting and ordering to 10 and beyond to 20
Addition 1-10 / Vocabulary of more and less; Ordinals;
Vocabulary of time and of position; Subtraction 1- 10
Counting on and back to 20
Solve problems using ICT
Understanding of the World
Winter Tales
Hot and cold Weather
Dragons and castles
Pushes and pulls / pulleys and levers
Green fingers
Life by a pond
Life cycle of a frog
Exploring a pond
Expressive arts and design
Tapestry; Art day artist -
Identifying different sounds of musical instruments; Percussion
Observational and creative drawings
Writing and reading simple musical notations

 Reception Bears
Summer term
Learn to work as part of a team; Respects and understands that likes and dislikes differ from each child. To persevere and sustain involvement when trying to solve a problem. Responds to significant experiences, showing a range of feelings when appropriate.
Communication and Language
Learn to take turns in conversations & during activities with other children. Speaks clearly and with confidence;
Sharing relevant news about events from child’s own experience;
Use language to imagine and recreate roles and experiences;

Physical Development

Repeats links and adapts simple movements.
Demonstrates coordination and control in large and small movements.
Sports day practice
Small apparatus and small team games
Narrative structure
Conventions of print
Group rhyming words
Shared reading
Basic grammar; Oral recounts
Writing three letter words
Julia Donaldson - author
Narrative structure
Conventions of print
Shared reading
Basic grammar
Oral recounts
Reading and writing high frequency words
Ronda Armitage - author
Write numbers 0 to 20;
Count in 2s & 10s;
Comparative language;
Sequence time
Addition & Subtraction up to 20; Doubles;
Simple problem solving; Estimation; Prediction
Understanding of the World
High in the Sky
Planes, kites and hot air balloons
Cogs and wheels
The light house keeper’s lunch
Healthy diet; birds
Oceans and Seas
Sea life, rafts and pirates
Expressive arts and design
Awareness of pitch;
Record own thoughts and ideas; Modelling and construction
Collage, mosaics;
Construction of rafts
Treasure hunt

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